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El Camino Real Charter High School

CA School Dashboard

Video Tutorial

First Start Guide

ECRCHS Results 

Getting to Know the Dashboard


What is the California School Dashboard?

  • The Dashboard is a new website that shows how LEAs (Local Educational Agencies) and schools are performing on the indicators included in CA’s new school accountability system.

Why was the Dashboard created?

  • It was created to give parents and the public a better understanding of what is happening in schools/districts across the state, as well as identify schools/districts that may need extra help.
  • Additionally, the Dashboard is a component of the LCFF (Local Control Funding Formula) Law passed in 2013 that changed how CA provides funding to public schools and holds LEAs accountable for student performance. The LCFF law required that the State Board of Education adopt a new accountability tool that reflects performance in different priority areas identified in the law.

What information does the Dashboard include?

  • The Dashboard is made up of reports that show how LEAs or schools perform on 6 state indicators and 4 local indicators.

What are the state indicators?

State indicators are based on data collected from LEAs through CALPADS (California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System):

  • Academic Indicator
  • EL Progress
  • Chronic Absenteeism
  • Graduation Rate
  • Suspension Rate
  • College/Career Readiness

State indicators are quantitative measures where status and change is reported.

What are the local indicators?

  • State data is not available for some priority areas identified in the LCFF law. For this reason, the State Board of Education approved the local indicators, which are based on information that the LEAs collect locally.
  • Local indicators:
  • Basic Services (in the future will be collected from the SARC – School Accountability Report Card)
  • Implementation of State Academic Standards
  • Parent Engagement
  • School Climate
  • 2 other local indicators which only apply to COE (County Offices of Education) – Coordination of Services for Foster & Expelled Youth (does not apply to ECR)