English Language Development (ELD) Department
Our department services Limited English Proficient students ranging from Newcomers to the country to Long Term English Learners (LTEL). We offer ELD classes at levels 1-4, and LTEL courses.
- If your child is in an ELD class, contact Mr. Velazuez (b.velazquez@ecrchs.net)
- If your child is LTEL, contact your student's counselor. (Click here to see counselor list)
- If you have questions regarding EL testing, ELAC, or student progress as an EL student, contact Mrs. Manuela Harris (m.harris@ecrchs.net).
- English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC)
- Master Plan for English Learners
- Reclassification Criteria
- English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)
- Reading Growth Measure (RGM)
- Parent and Student Resources
- Teacher Resources
- ELD Staff
English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC)
English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC)
In accordance with the California Education Code, section 52176(b), all schools with twenty-one or more English learner (EL) students, not including Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) students, are required to establish an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC).
Schools are required to form the ELAC at any time during the school year when the number of identified EL students reaches 21 or more. All parents with students attending the school in which the ELAC is established are eligible and should be encouraged to participate in the ELAC.
ELAC Agendas and Minutes 2024-2025
Date | Agenda | Minutes |
November 20, 2025 | Agenda 11/20/24 |
ELAC Agendas and Minutes 2023-2024
Date | Agenda | Minutes |
January 25, 2024 | Agenda 01/25/24 | Minutes 01/25/24 |
March 19, 2024 | Agenda 03/19/24 | Minutes 03/19/24 |
Agenda | Minutes | Presentation Slides | |
August 18, 2022 | Agenda 8-18-22 | Slides 8-18-22 | |
September 29, 2022 | Agenda 9-29-22 | Minutes 9-29-22 | Slides 9-29-22 |
October 20, 2022 | Agenda 10-20-22 | Minutes 10-20-22 | Slides 10-20-22 |
November 8, 2022 | Agenda 11-8-22 | Minutes 11-8-22 | Slides 11-8-22 |
January 19, 2023 | Agenda 1-19-23 | Minutes 1-19-23 | Slides 1-19-23 |
February 16, 2023 | Agenda 2-16-23 | Minutes 2-16-23 | Slides 2-16-23 |
Agenda | Minutes | Presentation Slides | |
August 19, 2021 | Agenda 8-19-21 | Minutes 8-19-21 | Slides 8-19-21 |
October 19, 2021 | Agenda 10-19-21 | Minutes 10-19-21 | Slides 10-19-21 |
December 15, 2021 | Agenda 12-15-21 | Minutes 12-15-21 | Slides 12-15-21 |
March 7, 2022 | Agenda 3-7-22 | Minutes 3-7-22 | Slides 3-7-22 |
May 2, 2022 | Agenda 5-2-22 | Minutes 5-2-22 | Slides 5-2-22 |
Master Plan for English Learners
Reclassification Criteria
1 | ELPAC (English Language Proficiency Assessments for California) |
Overall Performance Level 4 |
2 | Teacher Evaluation | Grade level English, or ELD/LTEL course grade of C or better |
3 | Basic Skills | Reading Inventory (RI) score of Basic, Proficient, or Advanced or ELA SBA (11th grade) Assessment score of Standard Met or Standard Exceeded or MAP ELA score of Basic or above |
4 | Parent Consultation | Parent Opinion and Consultation |
* All scores must be current. A student cannot reclassify with scores from a previous year *
English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC)
State and federal laws require all schools in California to give a state test of English proficiency to students whose primary language is not English. All students entering school for the first time will be assessed with the Initial ELPAC if their home language is not English, as indicated in their Home Language Survey. The Initial ELPAC is used to determine if the student is an English learner or is fluent in English.
The Summative ELPAC is a yearly test administered in the spring semester. An overall score of 4 is needed for reclassification.
Below are some of the basic administration facts about the ELPAC:
- The Initial Assessment will be shorter than the Summative Assessment and is only given once.
- The Summative Assessment is taken yearly until Reclassification Criteria are met.
- There are four domains in the test: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing.
- Speaking items are administered to all students one-on-one and scored by a trained test examiner "in real time."
- Group administration is provided for Listening, Reading, and Writing.
- The test is computer based; students answer all questions on a computer.
Reading Growth Measure (RGM)
2023-2024 School Year Dear Parent or Guardian:
For the 2023-2024 school year, your student will be taking the Reading Growth Measure (RGM). The El Camino Real Charter High School will be administering the RGM to English Learners in order to meet the “basic skills test” criteria for reclassification in grades 6-12.
RGM will be administered twice this school year: Fall Semester: October 17 – December 2, 2023 Spring Semester: April 10 – May 12, 2024.
The 2018 English Learner Master Plan for English Learners and Standard English Learners outlines the reclassification requirements for English Learners:
● Passing score in the English Language Proficiency Assessment for California (ELPAC)
● Teacher evaluation based on student semester grades (C or better in English Language Arts or LTEL class)
● Parent consultation and approval
● Basic Skills Assessment (passing score on RGM) The RGM is a computer based reading assessment that measures students’ level of reading comprehension and reports it using the Scaled Score.
The RGM is designed to evaluate students’ reading ability, monitor reading progress, and match students to books at their reading Lexile range, which helps to make reading rewarding, constructive, and enjoyable. The RGM results will be reported based upon the student’s grade and reading level. A passing score of basic or above meets the reclassification criteria for the “basic skills test.” The minimum scaled score required for reclassification is listed in the table below.
Please contact your ELD Coordinator Manuela Harris at m.harris@ecrchs.net if you have any questions about the use of this assessment for your English Learner student.
Grade | Assessment Scaled Score | Lexile Range |
9 | 921 | 825L to 975L |
10 | 1021 | 870L to 1020L |
11/12 | 1121 | 960L to 1010L |
Año escolar 2023 - 2024 Estimado padre o guardián:
Para el año escolar 2023-2024-08, su estudiante tomará el examen Reading Growth Measure (RGM). El Camino Real Charter High School administrará el RGM a los Aprendices del Inglés para cumplir con el criterio de la “prueba de habilidades básicas” para la reclasificación en los grados 6-12.
RGM será administrado dos veces este año escolar Semestre de otoño: 17 de octubre – 2 de diciembre de 2024 Semestre de primavera: 10 de abril – 12 de mayo de 2024.
El Plan Maestro de Aprendizaje de Inglés 2018 para estudiantes de Aprendices del Inglés y estudiantes Aprendices del Inglés Estándar, demuestra los requisitos para la reclasificación para estudiantes de aprendizaje de inglés:
1. Obtener un puntaje de aprobación en la Prueba de Suficiencia en el Idioma Inglés de California o ELPAC
2. Evaluación del maestro basada en las calificaciones de semestre del estudiante (C o superior en la clase de Arte de Lenguaje en Inglés o Desarrollo del Idioma Inglés)
3. Consulta y aprobación del padre o guardián
4. Examen de destrezas básicas (aprobar en examen RGM) RGM es un examen de lectura que mide el nivel de comprensión de lectura del estudiante y muestra los resultados con una puntuación de escala.
El RGM fue diseñado para evaluar la habilidad de lectura, monitorear el progreso de la lectura, y dar sugerencias de libros al nivel de lectura del estudiante lo cual ayuda a convertir la lectura en algo agradable, constructivo, y divertido. Los resultados RGM serán reportados basados en el nivel de lectura y año escolar del estudiante. Una calificación de “Basic” o superior, cumple con los criterios de la reclasificación de la “prueba de habilidades básicas” para este examen. La puntuación escalada mínima requerida para la reclasificación se enumera en la siguiente tabla.
Por favor comuníquese con la persona designada, Manuela Harris at m.harris@ecrchs.net sobre el programa de aprendizaje de Ingles de su escuela si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el uso de este asesoramiento para su estudiante de aprendizaje de Inglés.
Grade | Assessment Scaled Score | Lexile Range |
9 | 921 | 825L to 975L |
10 | 1021 | 870L to 1020L |
11/12 | 1121 | 960L to 1010L |
Parent and Student Resources
Parent/Guardian Resources for the ELPAC test.
- The link above will take you to the ELPAC testing site which has practice tests, information on how to take the test, and information on understanding the test scores.
- The link above will take you to the current tutoring options available. Tutoring is available in most subjects.
Teacher Resources
- This site provides high quality reading comprehension practice to students of all levels.
LAUSD Multilingual and Multicultural Education Department
- This site has a variety of resources for Secondary English Learner Instruction.
- This site has everything you could want to know about the ELPAC test.
Language Acquisition Team Presentation and Minutes 2022-2023 | |
Presentation | Minutes |
August 16, 2022 | Minutes 8-16-22 |
Minutes 10-11-22 | |
November 8, 2022 | Minutes 11-8-22 |
Language Acquisition Team Presentations 2021-2022 (click on date to access the presentation) |
November 30, 2021 |
January 24, 2022 |
February 28, 2022 |
April 25, 2022 |
August 16, 2022 |