Student Support Services/Special Education
El Camino Real Charter High School is dedicated to providing a positive and supportive learning environment in our academic programs that is focused on student success. Student Support Services provides oversight and guidance for Special Education and Section 504 Plans and assists students, teachers, and counselors in identifying resources to support student success.
View/Download the LAUSD "Are You Puzzled By Your Child's Special Needs" Brochure (English) View/Download the LAUSD "Are You Puzzled By Your Child's Special Needs" Brochure (Spanish)
Intervention If your child is experiencing difficulty in a class, please contact the teacher as soon as you are aware of the concerns. All faculty/staff contact information can be found on the website. Ideally, through communication and collaboration between the student, parent, and teacher, your child will attain success. If, after conferencing with the teacher, your child is still struggling, contact his/her counselor for assistance (Counselor Information Page).
Free tutoring is also available on campus. See more information about on-campus tutoring.
Section 504 Accommodation Plans Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act is a federal law that requires reasonable accommodations be provided to students with qualifying disabilities.
To be covered under Section 504, a student must have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. A student may be considered to have a substantial limitation when unable to perform activities that a similar-aged peer in the general population can perform. Major life activities include (but are not limited to): self-care, manual tasks, walking, hearing, seeing, speaking, breathing, and learning.
If you feel that your child may qualify for a Section 504 Plan, please contact his or her counselor.
View/Download the LAUSD Section 504 Information Brochure (English) View/Download the LAUSD Section 504 Information Brochure (Spanish)
Special Education Students who are eligible to receive support and services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) are provided with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs). ECR provides a continuum of placement options for students with disabilities in accordance with federal and state law.
See more information about El Camino's Special Education Program.
College Board/ACT Testing Accommodations The College Board and ACT are organizations that conduct tests used for the admission process for 4-year colleges and universities. These tests are not required for admission to community colleges. Students with disabilities may apply for test accommodations through these organizations. ECRCHS can assist students and parents with submitting these forms; however, it the responsibility of the student and parent to complete and provide all required documentation for submission.
Information about the process for applying for accommodations for tests administered by the College Board (PSAT, SAT, and AP Exams) and about the documentation required is available on the College Board's website at
Information about the process for applying for accommodations and the documentation required for the ACT is available on ACT's website at under "Accommodations and Supports."
Requests for accommodations must be submitted to ECRCHS well in advance of the application due date. Additional information regarding the process is available by contacting the School's SSD Coordinator Ms. Guenther at