Admissions/Enrollment FAQs
These are commonly asked Lottery applicant questions that we have answered for you.
Please email if you have additions questions/concerns
Do you offer “open enrollment”?
What you refer to as “open enrollment” is what we call LOTTERY ENROLLMENT. Students who live outside our former LAUSD attendance boundary have an opportunity to attend through a lottery process. There is no priority or first-come first- serve basis.
When is lottery enrollment?
FALL 2025 Lottery Application period will be Friday, Nov. 1, 2024 - Friday, Jan 17, 2025. You must complete the Online Application.
When is the lottery drawing?
Drawing will be held Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025
Is the lottery random?
The lottery is completely random.
If I live in the area, do I fill out a lottery enrollment application?
No, if you live within our former LAUSD attendance boundary, you do not fill out a lottery application. Registration will begin Thursday, November 07, 2024 for those who reside within our former LAUSD attendance boundaries. Updates: Resident
How do I know if I live in the area/How do I know if I need to apply?
Check your address at LAUSD School Finder.
What if I do not get selected in the lottery?
You will be placed on a wait list. We cannot guarantee spots for wait-listed students.
Siblings are given preference in the lottery (not guaranteed enrollment). Conditions for sibling preference:
Must complete a lottery application for sibling preference to apply
Only applies to siblings who will be concurrently enrolled for the upcoming school year.
Must be blood or legal siblings (not cousins or family/friends living together)
Do you provide transportation?
No, students and parents are responsible for their own transportation to and from ECR.
If we withdraw from school, does the student lose their lottery enrollment spot?
Yes. If you are interested in returning, you must complete a new lottery enrollment application for the following school year.
Do sports/performing arts guarantee an enrollment spot?
No, students must apply for the lottery AND be awarded a spot BEFORE participating in tryouts/auditions. There is no special consideration given for this.
What are the chances of my student getting in through the lottery enrollment?
It varies from year to year.
My child is in honors. My child is gifted. Do grades help?
No, grades do not influence our lottery. All students have an equal opportunity regardless of grades/previous courses they have taken. Again, the process is on a lottery basis.
What information do I need to provide on the lottery enrollment application?
All you need is your basic contact/demographic information. We do not ask for grades, report cards, or other documentation with the lottery application.