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El Camino Real Charter High School

Emergency Procedures

All classrooms have an Emergency Packet mounted near the door, which contains the classroom evacuation route, emergency assembly area diagram, class rosters, and attendance forms. If the situation requires it (e.g. earthquake, fire), students and staff will evacuate to the stadium with their class. If the emergency occurs when students are not in class (nutrition, lunch), students will go to the stadium and meet up with their second-period teacher.


Once classes have made it to the stadium, teachers take and submit attendance and await further instructions. Students are to remain with their teacher.


Request Gate: If it becomes necessary for parents to pick up their child, they should proceed to the request gate located on Valley Circle Blvd, just past the cafeteria service road. The school will only release students to people who are listed on the current emergency card.


Reunion Gate: After finishing the Request-Gate process, parents proceed down Valley Circle Blvd. and turn right on Burbank Blvd. The Reunion Gate is located by the tennis courts. Your child will be reunited with you at this gate.


Shelter in Place/Lockdown: Certain situations (campus lockdown, neighborhood chemical spill) require students and staff to remain in the classroom until conditions are safe. Each classroom is equipped with a “lockdown kit.”


Communication During Emergencies: Information will be sent out through the school’s automated phone system, through this website, and through our social media accounts (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook).


Comprehensive School Safety Plan

Comprehensive School Safety Plans are required under SB 719 and AB 115 and contain the following elements:

  • Assessment of school crime committed on school campuses and at school-related functions
  • Child abuse reporting procedures
  • Disaster procedures
  • Suspension and expulsion policies
  • Procedures to identify dangerous pupils
  • Discrimination and harassment policies
  • School wide dress code policies
  • Procedures for safe ingress and egress
  • Policies enacted to maintain a safe and orderly environment
  • Rules and procedures on school discipline
  • Hate crime reporting procedures


View/Download the Comprehensive School Safety Plan.