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El Camino Real Charter High School




Attendance will be handled in the Attendance Office


How To Request An Early Leave and Clear Attendance


Please access the Attendance Portal to request an early leave and to clear an absence:

1. Access the ECR Attendance Portal via the “Parent/Guardian” role of, the “Families” tab on, or directly at

2. Enter your Student’s ECRCHS ID number and birthdate, then login

3. Choose how you want to receive your verification (via email or text message) 

4. A link to request the early leave or clear the absence will be sent to either your phone or email depending on what you chose. Please note that the link will expire after 5 minutes.

5. After logging in, you can request an early leave or clear any absences. 


You only have 5 school days to clear an absence. After that, uncleared absences will convert into truancies and we will not be able to clear them. Truancies will affect the student’s ability to participate in school activities.


For any attendance related questions please email the Attendance Office at


Clearing Absences Protocols:

● Please clear an absence on the Attendance Portal. Only Parents/Guardians listed as contacts on Aeries may clear absences. ECRCHS does not accept phone calls or written notes to excuse an absence.

● You only have 5 school days to clear an absence. After that, uncleared absences will convert into truancies and we will not be able to clear them. Truancies will affect the student’s ability to participate in school activities.

● Teachers may withhold credit for assignments and/or may not allow make-up assessments until all absences are cleared.

● Please log in to Aeries daily to monitor your child’s attendance. It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to clear any absences, including clearing up attendance marks that may have been made in error.

● If you believe an attendance mark was made in error, please contact the teacher directly. The teacher will need to contact the Attendance Office to have it resolved.


Early Leave Protocols:

● Only Parents/Guardians listed as contacts on Aeries may request an Early Leave for their student

● Paper or email notes will no longer be accepted. Please create an early leave request on the Attendance Portal

● Students will only be released to a contact who is listed on their emergency form or in the computer. No exceptions! You may not email the attendance office giving someone else permission to pick a child


Regular Early Leave Procedure:

1. Early Leaves requests must be submitted electronically via the Attendance Portal before 8:30 am in order for the attendance office to verify the request.

2. The Attendance Office will call the parent/guardian to verify the early leave request. Once verified, an early release pass will be created.

3. Students must pick up their early leave pass before they attend the class they will be leaving early. Students may pick this pass up from the Attendance Office during passing periods, nutrition, or lunch.

4. At the time specified on the pass, students must present their early leave pass to their teacher and get their pass stamped in the Attendance Office before leaving campus.


Special Circumstances Early Leave Procedure*:

1. If we do not receive an early release slip before 8:30 a.m. or a student needs to be picked up unexpectedly, this procedure will be followed.

2. A Parent/Guardian or verified emergency contact must physically come in the Attendance Office to sign the student out of school.

3. Please be prepared to wait for your student. Depending on the time of day and specific class, it is not always possible to get a student right away.


*If your child calls/texts you that he/she is sick or not feeling well, please direct them to the Health Office. If they need to go home, you will need to pick them up from there. If the student has an appointment or another reason for leaving and did NOT bring a note in the morning, you will need to follow the Special Circumstances procedure.